Post Diagnosis: Second Year
Hi. I'm back. It's been a while since I last wrote a blog post but as my first day of lectures dawns upon me, I thought I should do a little update. I've been staying mostly quiet about my health because I had a very long struggle to stabilise it and I was trying to focus on that. Thankfully after a gruelling exam season and summer, my health has finally stabilised! My dose has now also decreased and I feel healthy again. Although I do experience some pretty painful symptoms and I am awaiting some blood test results in regards to my thyroid and HBA1C (Type 1 Diabetes) levels. Over summer, I worked full-time, a decision that I made despite protest from my family, asking me to do reduced hours. It was a really refreshing experience and helped me grow a lot and learn about the real world but on top of that, I feel like I have become more resilient to the symptoms that I experience as a result of my condition. The worst of my symptoms are the sciatica that I've deve...